I am truly appalled by the things that have fallen by the wayside. Things like respect for elders, good customer service, common courtesy and not only privacy (with big brother watching) but the lack of the desire for privacy.
I am always amazed by how much of their private business people are willing to share as they walk down the street. Between cell phone conversations and FB, people have NO PROBLEM letting the world know about their relationship issues, family fights, body art & piercing (even in private places), bounced checks and foreclosures, pregnancies, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. It appears they're all waiting to be discovered by some reality show producer who happens to be passing by or browsing. And then they say something really outrageous, so much so that you can't help but to turn and look at them like WTH? and they look at you like "mind your business!" What?!? Don't you realize you idiot that you made it my business even though I wanted nothing to do with it. Don't you know I would really have preferred not to know that you were getting your "goodness" pierced? Or that your mama slept with your man? Or that your boss made you stay late and redo the report that he messed up, and then took credit for your hard work? Sometimes, one has to look just to see what kind of idiot shares that private information with anybody in earshot.
All day every day, we are subjected to underwear and crack (a**), tits, belly buttons, camel toe and if we're really lucky we'll see a hint of the goodies. And FYI: There's no need to share on a social network that you just came out of the bathroom and you now feel 10 pounds lighter. Our privacy policy is nonexistent. There is nothing sacred or restricted. Seemingly, our personal business is public record. It's the weirdest phenomenon. We are walking reality shows! And I think we have crossed a line and there really is no going back. Like Larry Niven said, “I do suspect that privacy was a passing fad!”
Til next time,
Peace- Two Fingers, One Love.
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