Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let It Rain!

Today, it is pouring down raining. I mean it is throwing down outside and I am working in it. I am sopping wet! It is early in the morning and by all accounts, I should be disgusted, aggravated, and a little down. A lot of us react to rain that way. I know I used to. While I still consider a rainy day good sleeping weather, I also regard it as a beautiful day. It keeps people indoors, washes away a lot of the filth, and makes me feel like the world is working the way it’s supposed to.

The other thing about rain is that it reminds me that “Into everyone's life a little rain must fall.” For a lot of us, the same way we react to rainy days is how we react to the problems in our life. When the problems come, we get all gloomy and take it personal like how dare a problem land on our shoulders. What we really have to do is understand that sh*t happens. Some days it is our turn to get caught in the rain. It's not personal. But we are so hung up believing that life is supposed to be perfect. We can only be happy when the sun is shining and everybody loves us and there's money in our pockets and everything is going EXACTLY the way we want it to. Then and only then is all right with the world! Get over yourself...

The rain comes to make us appreciate the sun. It comes to help food and flowers grow. Sometimes it comes because we've sent a shuttle into space. In our personal lives, the rain usually comes as a direct result of a decision we made or didn't make. We decided to do something because it felt good, or to make someone else suffer, or because we didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and now here come the consequences. Instead of dealing with them and learning from them, we blame and hide and lie and cry. But if you were big enough to do what we did, then you're big enough to pay for it. Sometimes the lessons you can learn through the storm cannot be taught any other way, the message not understandable by any other means. The rain helps us grow, and hopefully get smarter and stronger.

Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain!

1 comment:

  1. For real.! I love the rain.
    It's healthy and feels good on the skin.
    I know you like the rain because it keeps certain folk in the house and out of yours and others' way. lol.
