Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One Moment In Time

I gotta tell you- every time I hear a Whitney Houston song, I’m reminded that Whitney is really dead. And it’s so terribly tragic because she really had so much life in her. I feel so bad for Whitney because she had everything; I mean everything that most people dream of having: beauty, incredible talent, money, family. It just doesn’t get much better than that. Except for all intents and purposes, she did not seem to have self-love.

She was one of America’s sweethearts. She had a golden voice - probably the best in generations. She was a beautiful young lady. She had more money than she could spend in a lifetime. But none of that was enough to make Ms. Houston love herself. Whatever battles she was fighting, she was fighting them against herself, and sadly, she lost.

Whitney only needed to know that it was okay to be as good as she was. She needed to be able to comprehend that she wasn’t a diva because she was Whitney Houston. She was Whitney Houston because she was a DIVA – a Divine, Inspirational, Victorious and Awesome woman. Unfortunately, it is never enough to have someone that loves you tell you that you’re good. It is not enough to have large numbers of people admire you because you’re good. You are good enough when YOU BELIEVE you’re good enough! Whitney needed to have that one moment in time where no matter what anyone else thought of her, no matter what her weaknesses were or what she perceived them to be, no matter if she had one fan or one billion, she wholeheartedly loved and accepted herself.

Here’s to you Whitney!

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

Until next time. Peace- Two Fingers. One Love!

1 comment:

  1. Word up.!
    I'm ashamed as a Whitney fan to have only heard this song just this year after her death. This song is amazing. And Whitney was so talented and beautiful. I'm such a huge fan. & was so devastated to hear that she died the way she did. I guess I imagined her dying peacefully at home at not 48 years but like 98 or something, after, of course, she'd done her Final FINAL FINAL! tour. lol.
    Great post.!
