Monday, May 23, 2011

Life’s Museum

So this morning I’m talking to myself (out loud), and I’m wondering what it would be like if our lives were displayed in a museum. I began thinking about what fills our days; the people we talk to, the things we do, etc. Then as I was watching an episode of Law & Order, a defense attorney made a statement about how our days add up and what it all means and I thought- that’s it! Now it all comes together… If we had to watch our lives on screen or in pictures, or even worse, put it all on display for others to see, we might choose to make better decisions so that our gallery showing is not met with bad reviews.

For me, as I started to think back to some of the events of my life, some of my fondest memories are of singing and dancing with my siblings, closing the family store late at night with my dad, going to the ball park when all the women in my family played softball, holidays, reading stories to my children when they were young then taking naps with them and going to their sports games and other events as they got older. I also recalled with a smile the vacations I’ve taken (I’ve been fortunate in that department) with my parents, with my children, with my man and by myself. I’ve been to some wonderful places and have been able to really enjoy having been there. But what I also began to see was how much time I wasted on things I did not want to do. How many things there were that I would have liked to say no to but did not because I didn’t want people to think bad of me, the days that I cried before I went to my job because I hated it just that much, the worry, the lean days when money was tight or hell- nonexistent, the relationships for the sake of being in a relationship, the bad sex, the mean “leave me the hell alone” days, and my IDGAF (I don’t give a f***) days. Finally, I looked back on things that had very profound effects on me over which I really had no control like the migraines and PMS, the sacrifices for my family, death (especially my dad’s), racism, sexism and learning my purpose. I must admit, looking back, my good days have outweighed the bad and trust me, there’ve been some baaaaadddd days! But what I must also admit is that my exhibit got hella better once I figured out my purpose in life.

If you could walk through my gallery, you would see my journey. You could begin to see how I got to be the woman that I am; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now I charge you to walk through your own museum, even if it’s painful. But as you make your way through the exhibits on display, try to find the lesson. I can really only think of 2 things that could happen to us where there is just no rhyme or reason, no excuse, no lesson to be learned. For everything else, a message awaits you. Find it, figure it out, make it make sense. It’ll make your future a whole lot clearer. I promise!

Til next time… Peace- two fingers, one love!


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