Friday, March 15, 2013

Thank God It’s Friday!

There was a time when I used to wish my life away. Every Monday morning without fail would find me doing my “I can’t wait til Friday” chant. And not that I was excited for Friday to come because I had some great elaborate plans. Just that I wanted to get through the week and get to the weekend. The only problem with that is, there are a lot of days, hours, minutes between Monday morning and Friday at quitting time. That is a lot of time to be miserable, bored, unhappy, unfulfilled, melancholy, (i think you get the picture). It took me quite a bit of time to realize that I was wasting a lot of my life, just wishing it away. And not a good waste like in Otis Redding’s “Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay,” or Brad Paisley’s “Time Well Wasted,” when I’m just enjoying the quiet.

Well now I know better and I thank God for Friday and Monday and Wednesday and Sunday nights, etc. But I do just happen to be excited about this weekend. I have some great planning that I need to do and some writing I want to do and some time with my man planned. I have basketball games with the little kids and church early Sunday morning and some cleaning that I’m going to get done. That’s a lot of stuff that’s going to happen in the next couple of days and I’m sure it will spill over into my week but that’s ok. Cause it is only on Fridays that I get to really say, (deep breath here) THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY (exclamation point!!!) ENJOY!!

Until next time.

Peace. Two Fingers, One Love.

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