Friday, November 9, 2012


The beauty of me is that I learn from everything. For me, anything and anyone can be a teacher. For that I am grateful. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in who is teaching that we miss the lesson.

My lesson for today family is about perspective. Lots of time we want nothing more than to only hear what we want to hear, those things that confirm our beliefs. It is where clichés like, "Speeches only reach those who already know," and "Preaching to the choir" come from. They are for the most part very true. When we read, we read writers whose views and opinions mimic ours, what we watch, listen to, and follow all represent people and things that we already believe to be correct. We are often not willing to look at things from others' perspective. Perfect FB example is a friend "liking" Mitt Romney's page. UPROAR!! SCANDAL!! But- you can only decide what you know when you know all the sides; or what you're up against; or what's within your control. Otherwise you are following things for the wrong reasons; because everybody else is, because your parents did, because it's popular.

Putting things in perspective is about examining what you know and why you know it, what you believe and why you believe it. It is about growing as a conscious human being not just accepting everything you've been taught since forever. Keeping things in perspective is about being mature enough to take 100% responsibility for your life; your health, your relationships, your emotions, your career, your finances, your habits, and your spiritual beliefs. It necessitates that you take a good, hard look at yourself, realizing the person you are and then deciding on the person you want to become. None of us are perfect. We’ve got work to do. #getbusy

icw- master your future

Til next time. Peace. Two Fingers, One Love.